What do moving averages look like? Even if the model is holding as a trend, it should not be surprising that there is not day to day precise accuracy, especially with smaller numbers

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Pfizer's own 6 month Safety and Efficacy study appears to agree that protection against death isn't a thing. See page 12 of the supplementary materials. Summary: 15 dead in the vax portion, 14 in the placebo (N ~ 22k for each side):



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Are some of these misses due to reporting timelines? For example, deaths actually occurring on Friday, Saturday and Sunday might be reported on Sunday.

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At the very end, would you mind fitting a trendline to the Real Deaths?

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What do you make of the idea that time between jabs is less than optimal in Israel while it is better I.e. longer in the UK? Of course, which vax was used is also generally different.

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