Sep 7, 2021Liked by Dr RollerGator PhD

This part is shit:

“ As Reason's Ronald Bailey noted in a recent article, there's little evidence that ivermectin is an effective treatment for the virus. Reporters should make crystal clear that the best way to fight the COVID-19 pandemic is mass vaccination.”

“Little evidence” is just manufactured out of nothing. The other sentence is a sales talking point that is increasingly confined to health officials in the US, as other countries confront reality more openly.

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Sep 6, 2021Liked by Dr RollerGator PhD

This is your most insightful article yet!

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"... ivermectin, an anti-parasite drug promoted by vaccine skeptics as a possible treatment for COVID-19."

Robby could equally have said "promoted by Jews" instead of "promoted by vaccine skeptics". Being a vaccine skeptic is neither a necessary nor a sufficient condition to know whether a person promotes ivermectin as a possible COVID treatment. Surely many of the people promoting ivermectin happen to be Jewish!

Phrasing it the way he did gives the impression that the two things are somehow related, *even though they should not be*. And if the supposition is that they *are* somehow related, then that should have been spelled out.

I like Robby, but that line in particular struck me as kind of disingenuous.

"ivermectin, an anti-parasite drug promoted by <strikethrough>doctors</strikethrough>vaccine skeptics as a possible treatment for COVID-19."

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There has recently be a media flood of "take the Jab" misinformation by the media. The Desert Review recently printed a very extensive list of links to stories in various states that follow the same line. Look there for a recent op-ed entitled "The Great Ivermectin deworming hoax"

Or, try this link:


Taking the jab or not taking it is an individual decision that each of us must make. In order to make such a decision, we expect and deserve to be well informed. The Nuremberg code demands it, and it's the decent thing to do.

The media, the health authorities, and everyone frontrunning our decision process has failed us miserably, and intentionally. Shame on all of them.

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